Thursday, November 5, 2009

Regret, life, and moving forward

Life's interesting. I've lived a while and am beginning to do things that I swore I'd never do. Like going to bed at 9 pm. Another of those things was that I would never have regrets in life. It's funny how you can say you won't ever regret anything when you're a 15 year- old highschooler. (No offense to those who may be there at the moment). I really tend to not regret anyway. But one thing I do regret is not including certain people in more important roles in our wedding. Time has passed and will continue to pass- but looking back at it, I was imagining what I would say if I could travel back intime and talk to me, but before the wedding. Before it was planned, anyway. Certain people were not in the wedding party because I thought it would inconvenience them, and I didn't want to do that. (turns out it just hurt their feelings, which has made mr feel bad about it ever since- go figure, good intentions). Others had other commitments (like their own wedding hundreds of miles away a couple of days apart), and still other people couldn't afford to fly out, or weren't close enough friends yet.

I truly wish I could go back and change all of that.

And yet...

Isn't the proof on the pudding? These are feelings I have, and they come fromthe basis of love and care for these people in our lives.

I guess what I'm getting at is that the important thing seems to mr that we make time now for these people- to talk to them, visit them (virtually, at least, with the computer or mariokart wii). The important thing isn't ultimately whether they made it to the wedding... It is whether the wedding has made us into a fily that shows and communicates our love to the important people in our life.

I am greatful for all of the people in our life, whether our wedding showed it or not. And I'm going to try to move on from my regret, move forward. I think lingering on it is probably a waste of energy. I could just as well be playing wii with them, or talking on the phone with them.

So if you're one of those people who were not in or at the wedding, don't sweat it. I have felt bad about it, but I'm going to move forward, and try to spend time talking to you- sharing life 'now' with you. I hope you can do that with me.

-- Post From My iPhone

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