Sunday, December 20, 2009


Waiting for Samuel to come is a time that feels charged with anticipation. It is a time to prepare. Certainly it is a time to prepare the space, for his presence will require specific things- a crib, a carseat, clothes, diapers, and so much more. More than that, we need to prepare our minds and hearts to know and care for him.

This season of waiting for my son has been an interesting one, as I find that as I wait, I am even physically tense. This tension is present as a sign of my anticipation of his arrival. Even more is the physical anticipation evident in my wife. She is carrying him with grace and poise, and yet in between times when she relaxes, I can tell that she is tired, sore, and needs to be cared for.

I think that at Christmas it is a bit of a perfect time to be anticipating the coming of a child. It gives me perspective on the advent- the anticipation of Christ's coming. How can the experiences that I am living through now - how can they inform and inspire me as I reflect on what Christmas means?

-- Post From My iPhone

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